UCRJ Week 2024 - Virtual Events
Please join us for these virtual and hybrid events during UCRJ Week 2024 (April 19-28). Detailed information including registration and virtual links for each event can be found on our Events Calendar.
Thank you to the partner organizations who helped make this portion of UCRJ Week available to all: Grandmothers for Reproductive Rights (GRR), Reproductive Transparency Now (RTN), Spurlock Museum, the UIUC Library, the UU Church of Indianapolis, and the UU Church of Urbana-Champaign.
All times listed are Central Time:
Sunday, April 21
10:15am: Service on reproductive justice with Rev. Beth Monhollen at the UU Church of Urbana-Champaign (UUCUC)
10:30am: Reproductive justice service with doula Chastity Mays at Carbondale Unitarian Fellowship
5pm CT/4pm ET: Heart-to-Heart Abortion Conversation event led by the UU Church of Indianapolis, UUCUC, and Grandmothers for Reproductive Rights! (GRR) (Registration link: https://forms.gle/MUoqSX5gQTjL36uc6)
Monday, April 22
Noon CT: Virtual teach-in, "Self-Managed Abortion 101," with GRR and UCRJ's Samantha Auerbach
Registration link: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_yKEieQmJQB-4cHGWNc5j7A
Tuesday, April 23 - Symposium at Spurlock Museum
Live-stream link: https://go.library.illinois.edu/ReproductiveJustice2024
9:30am - The Legal Landscape of Abortion Access
Moderator: Lesley Wexler, Professor, Illinois Law School
Panelists: Ameri Klafeta, Director of the Women's and Reproductive Rights Project, ACLU of Illinois; Mike B., Director of
Elevated Access
11:15am – The Legal Landscape of Gender-Affirming Care and Trans Rights
Moderator: Tavish McMillin, Planned Parenthood of Illinois, and The Institute for Racial & Cultural Healing
Panelists: Ameri Klafeta, Director of the Women's and Reproductive Rights Project, ACLU of Illinois; Brian C. Johnson,
CEO of Equality Illinois
2:00pm – Panel on mental health in reproductive justice and abortion care
Moderator: Walker Fitz, Midwest Access Coalition
Panelists: Tuyet Mai Hoang, School of Social Work; Liz M., Elevated Access; and Melissa O’Rourke Merida,
Equity Clinic
4:15pm - Environmental Factors that Affect Reproductive Health
Panelists: Kate Clancy, Department of Anthropology; Jodi Flaws, College of Veterinary Medicine; and Lori
Raetzman, School of Molecular & Cellular Biology
7:00pm - Screening of Plan C, a documentary on abortion pill access in the U.S.
Wednesday, April 24
6pm CT: Virtual screening of PRECONCEIVED about the unexpected world of crisis pregnancy centers, presented by GRR!
Thursday, April 25
6:30pm: Virtual anti-abortion centers (aka crisis pregnancy centers) Google review-a-thon with Reproductive Transparency Now
Registration required: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0oce2orjMtE9CqFI6Vkw_3dOoNx4FWRezW
Friday, April 26
6pm: Webinar with Isis Rose MA, CLC, and Hannah Landis LM CPM, "Landscape of Midwifery in East Central Illinois"